Sunday, August 31, 2014

Do you have an old car you think is ready for the scrap heap? It could be a classic auto car that could be restored to its original condition. If you're interested in finding out if it is a classic, do some research on the internet.

There you will find many different classes of classic auto cars right now. We have classic muscle cars which are for those who love speed. Another type of classic model are classics that were never mass produced but where only shown at past car shows. There are antique classic cars which are the really old cars, from the early nineteenth century like Fords.

Old classics are hard to come by. If you happen to have one you could restore it yourself, or sell it to a collector and let them restore it. Its funny how when someone says they have an old classic car in the back forty or their yard and somebody asks to look at it, as soon as the owner thinks someone is interested in their old car, dollar signs dance around in their head. I remember an incident a number of years ago where this elderly lady advertised her old convertible oldsmobile Cutless she just wanted to get rid of. She got some really nice offers, but wouldn't accept any of them. As each offer went up she wanted more. She never did sell it. It ended up as scrap medal.
Classic Auto Cars

Classic Auto Cars

Classic Auto Cars

Classic Auto Cars

Classic Auto Cars

Classic Auto Cars

Classic Auto Cars

Classic Auto Cars

Classic Auto Cars

Classic Auto Cars

Classic Auto Cars

Classic Auto Cars

Classic Auto Cars

Classic Auto Cars

Don't worry a classic car collector already knows the value of your classic car, so don't think you can put one over on him. Anyway, classic auto cars are dwindling in numbers and the more we save and restore now, the more we will be able to enjoy with our children and grand children years later .

Think about all the cars that are around now, they pretty much all look the same. The old classic auto cars have a personality all their own. If you can help someone restore one of these cars by selling it to them at a good price. Then we all benefit don't we. If you want to sell your car there are plenty of websites on the internet that will help you with this. You may even make some money as well. Don't get greedy.
31 Aug 2014

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