Looking through my earlier work, I realized I haven't yet posted this
mid 1950s Mercedes Benz 300 Gullwing Tourer on this blog. I chopped this
up in 2007 or so. All the cool people that collect station wagons these
days refer to them as "Longroofs" and that's certainly true of my
version. I don't believe this change would have added too much weight to
the original coupe and with that rear hatch and additional loading
space, might have made this incredible sports car just a bit more useful
for Grand Touring.
The New Gullwing

My primary reason for modifying the current SLS, the newest Gullwing, was to change the window graphic. The new one has a solid B/C pillar instead of having rear quarter windows as the original. I just don't think the car looks right without them. I'm sure the blank quarters add torsional rigidity, but I'm also certain that Mercedes/AMG engineers are brilliant enough to overcome any loss with added windows. Above, my "South Beach" edition is metallic gold with additional strakes and silver trim. You just can't be "bling" enough for South Beach! Below, additional work was done to shorten the very long hood. I wanted this Gullwing to be a hybrid, and to be as lightweight as possible to I changed the proportions accordingly. I still think it's a beautiful car and could be the Hybrid to end all Hybrids if produced.